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Northern Weightlifting - Best bits from 2012                         


 NWL Best Bits 2012

Northern Weightlifting - Senior Contest 2012                         

Shaun Clegg 145kg Clean and Jerk


Shaun Clegg

Northern Weightlifting - Best Bits from 2011                            

Some great images of our athletes from 2011



Mark Wager - Featherstone

Breaking British Masters Records for the 105+ Class in 2011

Northern Weightlifting Schools Development

Some of our upcoming female athletes in November 2011

Northern Weightlifting Schools Development

Some of our upcoming male athletes in November 2011

Northern Weightlifting Open Contest

Including lifts from the overall Male Winner Kive Mubarak in

November 2011

Northern Weightlifting

Competition at Mytholmroyd in 2009

Northern Weightlifting Squad Meeting 

Leeds Metropolitain University Weightlifting High Performance


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